Welcome to Sumtin Good Tropical Bar & Grill

    why choose us

    about us

    Best food for you and family

    25 Years Of Experience We Provide Food Services

    At our gorgeous Sumtin Good Tropical Bar & Grill, our Naples waterfront restaurant you have the option to sit indoors or at the covered, open-aired dining space or benefit from the Nassau sun on the bayside terrace. Both options offer sweeping views of the bay, our marina, and a gorgeous sunrise – if you’re an early bird. Our new, unique, tropical menu includes items for all hours of the day, such as hot breakfast, fresh salads, a variety of handhelds, grilled and raw seafood, and complete entrées. Whether you’re pairing your meal with a tasty cocktail or looking to escape the heat, our bartenders will mix up a concoction of your favorite tropical drink for your enjoyment.

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    our menu

    Best food for you and family

    Creste Pasta Chicken
    Tasty Grilled Shawarma
    Cake Christian Holiday
    Baked Fish Dorado Lemon
    Raw Chicken Fillet Garlic
    Pasta Tomato Chicken

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